Multi-Touch Interaction Video
Imagine a drafting-table-sized computer monitor that is touch-sensitive and allows more than one finger to be used at a time (kind of like having more than one mouse, but easy to use because they're your fingers). Imagine all of the cool, intuitive user-interaction styles you could support.
Now stop imagining it and see the future now. This video, copied from the Multi-Touch Interaction Research website at NYU (which is currently being hammered with traffic, making it hard to get the video from there directly) shows a wide variety of very slick demos using such an interaction surface. I think my favorite is the virtual Lava Lamp that lets you play around with the floating lava blobs...
(Thanks to the AppleGeeks blog for pointing this out.)
There's a very cool tech display at the Metreon, in the movie theater lobby, I think. Basically, it's something like this that you walk on. So one of the modes is a kickball game, another one looks like you're walking on water, etc. It seems to be okay with multiple people on it.
Posted by: Derrick Schneider | February 9, 2006 03:52 PM
But are you cool enough to know to watch Bob the Builder? That's the real question!
Posted by: Amy Bruckman | March 6, 2006 01:19 PM