
September 13, 2004

Election time

Well, there wasn't any more time left for procrastination: it was time to figure out how I'm going to vote tomorrow in the primary.

I was actually kind of looking forward to it, because I knew that Sherri Nichols had already done a bunch of research and could be counted on to lay out some well-reasoned arguments on the statewide initiatives at her new website

Sherri was inspired by the efforts of Peter Stahl, an old colleague of mine in the Bay Area who has for many years done a similar service down there, producing Pete Rates the Propositions. Like with Peter, I don't expect to agree with Sherri on every issue, but it sure helps to have someone I can trust and respect laying out arguments that are well informed by serious research. I wish Sherri well in her efforts and strongly recommend you check out her site.

Of course, all of the statewide initiatives are on the November general-election ballot, not on tomorrow's primary ballot, but that's neither here nor there.